Keluhan Duit Seringgit.
' Duit seringgit telah bertemu dengan lima puluh ringgit dan bertanya: "Oit,lama tak nampak,
mana ko pergi?"
Lima puluh menjawab " Aku pergi merata tempat. Pergi stadium tgk bola, Naik STAR Cruise,
gi KK naik AirAsia, lepak One Utama, konsert AF, M'sian Idol.. tempat2 cam tuh lah. Eh, ko
camner lak?"
Duit seringit menjawab perlahan seraya menunduk,
" Hmm..biasa lah.. Balik-balik tempat sama.. surau, masjid, surau...surau...masjid ".
p/s: renung-renungkanlah dan fikir-fikirkanlah '
Translation of the story,
' The one ringgit met with fifty ringgit and asked, " Oit ! lon time no see, where did you go? "
The fifty ringgit answered,
" I went all over the place. Went to the stadium watched football, went up at STAR Cruise,
went to KK by AirAsia, hanged at One Utama, concert AF,M'sian Idol..that kinda place. Eh,
you how was it? "
The one ringgit replied,
" Hmm.. the same..the same old place, the mosque...the mosque...the mosque".
p/s: look deep and think about it. '